Email Chainsaw: How To Cut Through The Inbox Noise And Get Opened, Read, and Clicked

email marketing Feb 14, 2021

Hey email marketer,

Having trouble getting your emails opened, read, and clicked?

Let’s get that solved NOW.

Here’s how to create an “Email Inbox Chainsaw” so you can cut through the inbox noise and get noticed…

We all get a bunch of emails, right?

I know I do.

And I’m one of the weirdos that actually LOVES marketing emails…

Because I’m an email marketing sponge.

Always looking to improve my marketing chops…

But enough chattering from me!

Here’s 3 super practical ways to get your emails opened.

1) It’s NOT about the subject line.

I know, I know…every email marketing course you’ve taken says the Subject Line is king when it comes to getting opened…

And that’s true to a certain extent.

But there’s actually something else that impacts the open more than the subject line.

It’s the FROM field.

In other words….”who” the email is from.

Think about it.


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